Breaking Barriers

Watch Your Words…They Have Power

God speaks! He speaks constantly, many times he speaks, but we can’t hear him through all the noise around us or our inability to stay still and quiet. There are also times when he speaks through people.

The last few days, I’ve heard several reminders to watch my words. I was listening to Get Up with Erica Campbell and she was sharing her Ericaism, which talked about choosing our words wisely with our children. Our words can and will mold them into who they will be. About a day or so later, I was reading my daily devotion I received from Joel Osteen and he talked about Jesus using the Word to overcome the enemy. There was also another occurrence with the same reminder as well, choose your words wisely; your words have power.

I believe in these moments, God was speaking to me, he wanted to remind me to watch my words, choose them wisely because they have power. So, I’m choosing to share with you this same reminder, watch your words, choose them wisely because they have power. I’d also like to add from the basis of the devotion I read, the word of God has power. This devotion reminded me that each time Jesus spoke when he was tempted by the devil, he said, it is written. He understood the power of words, especially the word of God. With that said I would also like to add, get a scripture in your heart, to meditate on day and night. Use this scripture to help you defeat the enemy and the negative thoughts that try to come into your mind. It only has power if you give it power. Overcome your negative thoughts with positive words, thoughts and the Word of God.

You have the power, choose life and not death. Your words have power, allow your positive words to mold the course of your life. Allow the Word of God to mold your life and remind you of the promises of God. He wants what’s best for you.

A piece of choosing my words wisely is developing words of affirmation. You can include your expectations, God’s expectations, or combination of them. But I’m going to close this blog with an assignment for you. Come up with your own affirmation statement and begin to say it in the mirror each day. I’ll do the same, starting now. “I am a purpose-bound woman of God, making impact in my community and in the Kingdom of God.” Now, it’s your turn! What’s your affirmation? Remember: Watch your words, choose them wisely because they have power!

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