Breaking Barriers

What Happens When the Answer is No?

What happens when the answer is no? I’m sure in life you’ve experienced several no’s. You entered in a competition and someone else wins after all your hard work, or you apply to a college and don’t get in, or you asked a guy/girl out and they say no. We’ve all been there in our lives, but then what? In the moment, you feel (depending on how bad you wanted it or fought for it) like giving up. I’ve been there, where I’ve wanted to give up, but if you give up, you’ll never win.

Breaking barriers in life is a constant; we will always have to break through to get to something greater. And many times it will not go the way we plan, but even in that, there is a lesson, a nugget, a word learned and it makes it all worth it.

Growing up, I’ve always wanted to become a nurse. In college, imagine the heartbreak of not getting into nursing school. I realize now that wasn’t what I was supposed to do. Even now the thought of having to stick someone with a needle is beyond scary to me. In the process of this no, I learned more about myself and what I could handle. I’m thankful for the journey (it has been a long journey, lol). Even on the journey, the no’s are apart of it. It makes us stronger and wiser. I’m reminded of the scripture, Romans 8:28, and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose (NIV). It is and will all work out for our good.