Breaking Barriers

Do what makes you happy?

I often focus on being happy, finding joy in small and big things and taking control of what you can take control of in your life. You hear the saying, life is too short, all the time, but what does that mean? Will you be happy every moment of every day? Someone I know would always say, perspective is everything, and it truly is. How long will you allow your situation to take control of you?

In the real world, sometimes you must do things that you don’t want to do and be okay with it. I’m sure even if you love your job, there are days you may not want to get up to go, or there are tasks you do not like to do. The difference between joy and happiness is that joy is constant. Being happy is an emotion, our emotions go up and down. Joy is about perspective, making up in your mind that no matter what there is still something good in this, God is always constant. He never changes, which is why we must focus on him and follow him.

Many people do not like their jobs, and they aren’t in the position to just leave. So, what do you do? Find something that brings you joy and focus on that. A friend of mine, hates his job, but as many of us he can’t just walk away (those bills will continue to come, whether you are happy with what you are doing or not), my advice to him is find your joy. He began doing something in his spare time that brought him great joy. He utilized his love of history and ancestry to help others learn about their families. So, what will you do to bring joy to your day? Make daily goals of finding joy in your day, it doesn’t have to be big, it can be simple and small – smile at a stranger walking by, go to lunch with a coworker you enjoy hanging with, go watch your child’s basketball game. Small things make a big difference. 

I strive to do the same thing daily, I know the things that bring me joy, so when it’s time to refuel my joy tank I create those moments. This weekend was great, I was with my family. There’s no better feeling of joy for me than to spend time with my family and friends. I work to create those moments often. So, what brings you joy? How will you find joy daily?? 

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (‭Romans‬ ‭15‬:‭13‬ NIV)