Breaking Barriers

What’s in your hands?

I’ve been reading a daily devotional called, Time to Refresh: A 21 Day Devotional to Renew Your Mind After Being Laid off, Fired, or Sidelined. This book has been such a blessing to me. I purchased it a couple of years ago supporting a church member. I had no idea this book would be needed at this time, but I guess as always, God knows. The other day, I was reading the devotion and it was talking about obeying God. Within this section of the devotion, it talked about being obedient, open, and ready for the overflow. The scripture reference was 2 Kings 4, which tells the story of the widow that needed resources to pay off the debt of her deceased husband to prevent her sons from going into slavery. As I read this, I was reminded of something a friend shared with me some time back, “what’s in your hands.” Many times we look outside of what we already know or have accomplished and we don’t recognize what we have on the inside of us can help release us from our situations. The widow used her resources and the resources of those close to her to pay a debt and become free.

In this reading, I was reminded, everything I need to accomplish God’s plan is already on the inside of me. I must be obedient to the word of God as the widow did even if it doesn’t make sense. The blessings are in obedience. The widow was not only able to pay her husband’s debts but also had an overflow that she and her sons were able to live on. Her obedience and her simple “yes,” caused her to be blessed by God.

As we continue in this new year, we must remember what God has placed on the inside of us. It’s not always the grand gestures that will make an impact, but it is the small things that we do that count the most; be faithful with the small. Go back to those things that you know God is calling you to and revisit. Ask him to magnify the gifts he has already placed on the inside of you to push you to the next level in your calling. He will reveal some things to you and remind you that you already have what you need in your hands. So put your hands to work. The time is now! Your obedience will reap a reward. Your reward might not be a substantial amount of money to live on, however, know that your obedience will cause things to begin to move in your life in the right direction. What’s in your hands?


  • The Best Homie

    Profound and encouraging! Thank you for always risking it all to break a barrier. Barriers of fear, introspection, money, and worry exist but then make our faith stronger on the other side.

  • Amy

    I love the idea to be “faithful with the small.” I once spoke with a man who prayed before going to the grocery store. He said that he asked God to be with him as he made decisions about what food to buy, how much money to spend, which temptations to avoid. His reason was very simple. He said that if he is in the practice of praying to God in such a routine action, then he will be in the habit of praying to God before making more weighty decisions. His mindset has definitely stuck with me.

    • Bridgette

      Wow! That’s so powerful and so true. I actually took a biblical financial class at my church and I found myself praying over the simple things as we were reminded that we are only stewards, everything belongs to God.