Breaking Barriers

Who Runs This Show?

When I was in college our Madame President (as we called her), would remind us of our power when she would address the school, by asking the question, “Who Runs This Show,” our response, “We Run This Show.” The chant would go a couple times, the energy that came from this chant left us with a sense of pride and respect, we could conquer the world!

Just a few days ago I learned of the passing of a college classmate and friend. The news was shocking and it hurt so bad. I'm sure everyone asked questions like, why, how, what? Feelings of sadness, hurt, despair, and grief began to fill us all up. In life we go through hard times, whether grief, despair, or sickness, we've all been there and posed those same questions, why, how, what? If you're honest, you sometimes begin to question God and ask why would he allow certain things to occur. We hear all too often that God is in control, but is he in control when death occurs or when sickness happens, or when you have what seems like the world on your back?

As I sat in class a couple weeks ago, I was asked questions such as if God exist why did this happen or that happen. My response, I don't know. I don't know why things occur or are allowed, however I do know that God allows all of us free will, which is also extended to those who have evil thoughts and motives. I also know that he is still omnipotent and all powerful, so even if things occur that is not pleasing to him, he will work it so that there are lessons to be learned and he will be with us every step of the way to encourage and help. It is our responsibility to find the take always in every situation good or bad. My take away this week, treasure and be intentional of the moments with friends and family and let them know how you feel about them. And stay connected!!!


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