Breaking Barriers

You’re Human!

Today, I was on the phone talking with a friend, venting with her about missing the mark and her simple response was exactly what I needed to hear, “you’re only human, you’re going to mess up sometimes.” In our desire to do our best and be all that we can be, we have to remember that we are human and we won’t get everything right every time.  I’m grateful for God’s grace and mercy, as well as his forgiveness. I can go to him and he’ll forgive me for my transgressions. So this post is just a simple reminder, “you’re human, you’re going to mess up sometimes.”

When you make a mistake, don’t allow the enemy to cause you to dwell on it; ask for forgiveness, learn from it, and move forward. So often we get caught up in the, as my old teacher would say, “should of, could of, would of,” until we miss out on the lessons to learn at the moment and moving forward in the future. Don’t allow your mistakes to keep you from progressing forward. We have too much work to do to waste time worrying about things that have already happened. The familiar saying, “no sense in crying over spilled milk”, I’ll add, “just clean it up and keep it moving.” Keep it moving!


  • Satiqua

    This was a great reminder of God’s grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Forgive others and forgive yourself after repentance quickly. The devil uses un-forgiveness to make us live in the past. It prevents us from moving forward, and also makes us feel unworthy of his continued goodness. This can trap you into allowing yourself to continue to live in sin because you feel like you are not worthy anyways. God’s mercy is new everyday! #ForgiveYourselfAsHeAlreadyHas

    • Bridgette

      Indeed, he does use unforgiveness of ourselves to hold us back. It’s a trap! You don’t have to live in unforgiveness. #ForgiveYourselfAsHeAlreadyHas Great reminder, Satiqua! Thanks for sharing.

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