Breaking Barriers

Be Open!

The word “open” keeps coming up for me. I believe in this season God wants me to be open.

I’m not sure if I’ve talked about this or not, but I’m in a book club. We have been studying the book, “When Women Pray” by TD Jakes. Powerful book by the way, I definitely recommend you reading it. This past weekend we discussed the Samaritan Woman or as some would call her, the woman at the well. If you’re not familiar with the story, check it out in John 4:4-42. One thing has stayed on my mind this week about this chapter is the fact that the book is about women that pray, however, in the Bible, there is no acknowledgement of the Samaritan woman praying. In the book, Bishop Jakes points out her openness and reminded the reader that in order for you to pray to God you have to be 1) open and 2) honest. What a powerful reminder! Many times, we come to God timid and fearful of his judgment. But he is such the loving God. He wants you to be open and honest with him, talking with him about any and everything, even the small things. He wants to be a part of your life. Don’t hold back “this” or “that” part of your life; he wants it all. And based on his word and the testimonies of so many, he can handle it.

I’m writing this post to encourage someone to be open, not only with God but also with yourself. To that person that’s believing God for a spouse, be open to what God can do and that it might not look like what you think it should look like. To the person that is trying to start a new business, be open to what God can and will do through you, if you only allow him. Be open in your relationships (especially your relationship with God), prayer time, new opportunities, even in your cooking and eating; be open. You will never experience and discover all that God has for you unless you are open to experience and appreciate it all. Be open! “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,” Ephesians 3:20 NIV. It’s time to take the lid off and be open to ALL that God has for you!!!

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