Breaking Barriers

Duplicate & Share!

I was having a conversation with my cousin the other day, I shared with him how I was sharing what he taught me with others. His response, that’s what you’re supposed to do. We learn so many things every day, how to cook a new dish, a revelation from scripture or sermon, a new skill at work, a quote, the importance of lighting in a selfie (Yassss), and so much more. But what do you do with the new information you obtain???

It is so empowering when you learn something new. You feel like you can conquer the world, just from learning one new thing. For this reason, it’s so important to empower others by sharing what you learn. How can you share? I’m glad you asked! You can share with others through conversations of experiences, teaching, coaching, or starting that podcast or to share revelations and experiences (you know, the one you’ve been procrastinating with); there are so many ways. I’ve learned so much just from watching others. Who’s watching you? Are you proud of what they see? I believe the saying goes, each one, reach one! It’s important for each of us to duplicate what we’ve learned by sharing with others. This will be different for everyone, there’s no cookie cutter way, but just know, it needs to be done and you are the one to do it! So, go forth, Duplicate and Share!


  • Crystal Washington

    Love the pic, Bridg! I’ll start the duplicate and sharing bit by sharing your blogging wisdom! The best inheritance we can receive in life isn’t money; it’s the wisdom gained through learning and life experiences from the people who love us enough to share them. Thanks for loving us enough to share with us. Great post!

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