Breaking Barriers

Duplicate, Share, & Empathize!

This past week I was able to go on a cruise. The experience itself was great. I went on the cruise with a great group of ladies. During one of our gatherings, I remember looking around and recognizing the power of each lady in the room, each woman had their own unique gifting and purpose. I also thought of the power of us all combined, wow! Many times as women we think the grass is always greener on the other side, she has this great life, she’s never experienced anything, but little do we know, we are so much more alike than we are different. We all have insecurities, doubts, fears, hurts, etc. We must use our similarities to build each other up and not tear each other down. It’s easy to become frustrated with the actions of others, when someone talks about you behind your back or when someone betrays you and tells your secret. We want to write people off, however, what similarities do we have and can you relate to the internal reasons that brought this person to this point. Internal reasons such as insecurities, a desire to fit in or to be loved, hurt, past demons; we have all experienced these things, but we all deal with it differently. Everyone is fighting something on the inside of them, we have to be conscious of internal fights and come to understand others a little better because of it.

Everyone deals with their own challenges and struggles, but it’s not just for the person that is going through it. We are required to share our stories with others to help them. We go through challenges and struggles not only to build yourself up and learn but also for others to learn from and through us. Why should someone have to go through the same situation that you have been through when you can share your story and they can get the lesson that you have already learned. It goes back to my last post, Duplicate and Share! Share your story, share your testimony, there are so many people waiting to hear it. What can you share with others to help them continue to fight? What can you do to help build your sister up? No judgment, just helping another woman. So again, go forth, Duplicate, Share, and Empathize!