Breaking Barriers

He’s a Lie!

I recently purchased a bike and for the past week, I have been diligent about going riding. If you are familiar with my blog posts, you should remember my bike incidents (yes, that’s plural). There was that time when I decided to go bike riding on my birthday and had a head-on head collision with a non-moving car. And then there was that time when I fell off a stationary bike (smh). Needless to say, I have some reasonable fears with bike riding. LOL. Do you know what my response was to this fear? Yep, I brought a bike. I cannot get more comfortable and confident about riding a bike without having a bike to ride. So, I got me a cute bike (of course it had to be cute, LOL).

I was determined to overcome this fear of riding a bike that I acquired. And guess what I learned? I actually enjoy riding my bike. I’m excited to go riding. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a pro, but I’m more comfortable with it and in the process, I discovered something I enjoy. I take rides around the neighborhood and there are many times when I say to myself, let me go around again. LOL. I enjoy it that much.

Why am I telling you about my bike? Good question! I was thinking the other day about how the enemy is consistent with his lies. You can be just minding your little business, and all of a sudden a negative thought comes to mind or a feeling of what you can’t do or shouldn’t do. I have conversations with myself questioning my negative thoughts, who told you that? And why did you believe them? Then, I have to remind myself of my capabilities and most importantly, who my father is. We have all experienced some type of defeat in which we didn’t accomplish something we thought we should, however, the biggest thing I learned from my experience with my bike is you have to continue to push; push beyond the fears, the lies of the enemy, and the negativity of others. Remind yourself of who you are through the word. What does the word say about you and what you are able to do, one thing is “You/I can do all things through him who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13).” Write these truths down and every time those negative thoughts come to mind, defeat it with the word. Continue to study the word as it will strengthen you and make you aware of the power that is already on the inside of you.

This blog post is a reminder to you, he’s a lie, the enemy is a liar; don’t believe him. Remember only the scriptures! Allow the scripture to encourage and keep you. Now go and conquer your fears! God’s got you!

I thought I’d share some pictures of me on my bike as well :).

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