Breaking Barriers

Listen & Share!

Anyone that knows me, knows that I love a good story, I love to share them and to hear them. Every story has a beginning, where you learn who’s involved and background information. Then there’s the middle, which I like to think of as the meat; it tells what happens and even shares the climax. But to me the best part of the story is the ending, you learn who overcame, the lesson learned, who survived, etc. Each part of the story has its purpose. What I love about a good story is the lesson learned, there’s always something for someone to learn.

Last night, I was reminded of the importance of telling your story. The things that you’ve gone through and will go through, are not just for you, but for others as well. For this reason, it’s so important to share your story. Everyone has a story, and they’re all different. Through the years I’ve learned so much just by listening to others share. Not only is it important to share, but to also listen, there’s always something to learn. Never forget, Listen and share!

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