Breaking Barriers

Say Yes!

I often talk about how much I love my friends. I have some of the best conversations with them and the other day was no different. My friend was sharing about how grateful she was to God for all of His blessings for her and then she posed a question, “I don’t know why He keeps blessing me like He does, but I’m thankful that he does.” My response to her was, “that’s what happens when you say yes.” In that moment two things happened, 1) she realized why the blessings were coming her way and 2) I was convicted because I knew I needed to say yes completely.

Are there some things in your life you need to follow through? Has God placed a vision in you and you haven’t started working your plan for it? Or are you working the plan to realize the vision and you can see God’s hands in it and His blessing? God has a plan for each of us, but it’s up to us to follow through. What happens when you say yes, the blessings come and you will begin to see things align. Will everything be perfect, no, but there’s a difference between when you are doing things on your own and when you are doing things in God’s will. I don’t know about you but I want to stay in His will. That is actually my prayer, I want to stay in the will of God, so I ask Him to lead and guide me. Be specific in your prayers and He will come through.

As you continue to follow the will of God, he will continue to bless you and give you a testimony. The testimony is not just for you to keep to yourself but to share with others. God is good, why not share his goodness with those that do not know of it.

Say yes to God, not just because of Him blessing you, but because you know how much He loves you and He wants the best for you. If He brings it to you, it’s because He has already equipped you and He trusts you. You are capable! Trust Him and the process. Say yes!

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