Breaking Barriers

Stop Shrinking!

I’m sure you’ve seen the movie, Honey, I Shrunk the kids. In the movie, the husband was an inventor and actually develops a machine that shrinks his kids. The kids go on an adventure seeing the world from a different, small perspective. They were tiny and everything around them was big. They faced lots of difficult moments because they were so small. We’ve had times in our lives where it seemed that everything around us was huge. The bills, the argument, the debt, the kid’s issues, all seemed too big and beyond getting pass.

I was talking with a friend the other day and she made a comment to me that changed my thoughts. I was going on and on about how this and that couldn’t work and what I needed to do to resolve it. Her response, “oh, that’s for them, that doesn’t apply to you and me.” The confidence she had made me think, I need to step my confidence up. LOL. But she was right! God already paid the price and I don’t have to worry about anything (“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, Philippians 4:6 NIV), my father is the King, he owns everything. He provides for me and ensures, I have everything that I need. He is a miracle worker, so he can work out anything on my behalf. Because of my relationship with Him, not all things apply to me. I am only required to walk in faith believing that he can and will work everything out. Now, this doesn’t mean I won’t have trials in my life (…” In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart. I have come to overcome the world” John 16:33), however, he has promised in His word he will be with me every step of the way (“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9). So, I don’t have to shrink and allow my problems or situations to become bigger than me. God can and will take care of these problems, my only job is to believe and walk in faith knowing it will be done.

The same is true for you, you don’t have to allow your problems to become bigger than you. Stop Shrinking! Walk in the authority and power that he has given to you when you gave your life to Him. No longer will I or you dumb our dreams because we don’t think they are achievable and no longer will we allow the negative talk of others to cause us to shrink and not believe that our situations are getting better no matter how it looks. No More Shrinking! The scripture tells us that with God ALL things are possible. So no matter how things look, keep walking in faith and believe; it’s all working out for your good. In 2020, we are not shrinking! #nomoreshrinking #GodisBigger #nomorelies #faithworks #walkingbyfaith #IBelieveGod


  • Makeda

    I love the scripture references, they are great mediation material. Btw, that sounds like a good friend to keep around. 😊 Another awesome and empowering post, of many!