• Breaking Barriers

    Things Aren’t Always What They Seem…

    Have you ever wanted something so bad, but then you got it and realized it wasn’t all that great? I’ve been there too. Everyone desires something, the single person desires marriage, the married person desires being understood, have children or even to be single (lol, a little humor). Sometimes when we are struggling with things in our lives we forget about others. We begin to believe the lie that we are the only person struggling in life, or that our struggles are bigger than others, “they would never understand what I’m going through.” Don’t be so quick to judge or assume you know or even understand what others go through.…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Moments of Doubt

    Can I have a truth moment? After my recent interview (if you haven’t seen it yet, check it out here), I began to question if I was living my truth. It’s one thing to encourage others to do right, but it’s another thing to live it yourself (I told you all from the start, I’m not there yet, LOL). I had a conversation with a friend about my feelings, he reminded me that breaking barriers is not an arrival, but a continued journey and that I was speaking life (positivity). You won’t always get it right, you won’t always rise to the occasion, but you will continue to move forward…