• Breaking Barriers

    The Gift That Keeps Giving

    This year has indeed been one for the books. We could all write a list of what didn’t go as planned this year.  I’ve been in a mood of thanksgiving lately. The more I think about the fact that many started out this year but are no longer here, I begin to see life in a different way. I’m learning to focus on what I do have instead of what I wish I had. God is still in the blessing business. If you are still here, have a place to live, food in your belly, heat in your home, clothes on your back, and the list goes on and on,…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Say Yes!

    I often talk about how much I love my friends. I have some of the best conversations with them and the other day was no different. My friend was sharing about how grateful she was to God for all of His blessings for her and then she posed a question, “I don’t know why He keeps blessing me like He does, but I’m thankful that he does.” My response to her was, “that’s what happens when you say yes.” In that moment two things happened, 1) she realized why the blessings were coming her way and 2) I was convicted because I knew I needed to say yes completely. Are…