• Breaking Barriers

    Pieces of Me

    I was having some quiet time in my room (I chuckle at this because most kids hate being sent to their room, LOL, how ironic). I looked up at pictures I have on the top of my tv stand, pictures of my cousin, who recently got married, a picture of my dad (today makes a year since he left us), a family picture, a picture of my aunt (it’s been a little more than a year since she left us), a Mary Kay prize I received, and a picture of Paris that my friend gave me from her trip. As I looked at each of these items, I thought, these…

  • Breaking Barriers

    The Gift That Keeps Giving

    This year has indeed been one for the books. We could all write a list of what didn’t go as planned this year.  I’ve been in a mood of thanksgiving lately. The more I think about the fact that many started out this year but are no longer here, I begin to see life in a different way. I’m learning to focus on what I do have instead of what I wish I had. God is still in the blessing business. If you are still here, have a place to live, food in your belly, heat in your home, clothes on your back, and the list goes on and on,…