Breaking Barriers

The Gift That Keeps Giving

This year has indeed been one for the books. We could all write a list of what didn’t go as planned this year. 

I’ve been in a mood of thanksgiving lately. The more I think about the fact that many started out this year but are no longer here, I begin to see life in a different way. I’m learning to focus on what I do have instead of what I wish I had. God is still in the blessing business. If you are still here, have a place to live, food in your belly, heat in your home, clothes on your back, and the list goes on and on, you are indeed blessed. Make a list of all your blessings, just as a reminder of how blessed you are. Don’t allow the other things to get in the way.

This pandemic stuff has been a lot, however, I have become more creative in the process. I created a podcast, if you haven’t listened to Producing Through the Pandemic series, definitely check that out. I’ve learned how to host a zoom party like no other, ask my friends and family. And the list goes on and on. While the pandemic has been trying it has pushed me to do more and think outside the box. What about you? What have you learned in this pandemic? How have your become creative in the pandemic?

As we approach the end of 2020, while you can list all that has gone bad, focus on what was learned and how you have grown in the process. I propose we take an inventory of the year, what can we improve on, what could we do better, what did we handle well? What do you plan to be more intentional about moving forward. I’m not saying create resolutions, but perhaps set intentions of what you want to do moving forward (I learned this through a virtual event I attended). What scripture will you hold on to in the new year? 

As we approach Christmas, I want to remind you of the gift that keeps on giving and that is life itself. Your physical life and your spiritual life, which is your salvation and acceptance of Christ. Each day that God blesses you to be here is a gift from him and it lets you know that there is still work for you to do here. So, what will you do? How will you live your “life?” How will you give back to God for the blessing of life? For me, I plan to walk in purpose and be more intentional about my time with God, allowing him to lead and direct me. I also plan to be intentional about spending time with the ones I love and creating memories. I recognize and understand that one of my purposes here is to share the goodness of God with others. I pray this blog is a part of me doing just that. 

Life is the gift that keeps on giving! Focus on your blessings! 

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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