Breaking Barriers

Time of Reflection

Last week was a rather interesting week of reflection for me. I learned some truths about myself, which caused me to recognize that a reset was necessary in order for me to go to the next level in my life; spiritually, mentally, professionally, and physically (still working on that part, pray for me lol).

Have you ever come to the realization that more was necessary for you to receive your more? Many times we allow fear or other insecurities to get in the way and sometimes we even give up on certain goals, dreams, or aspirations because of it. As I was pondering last week I came to a few realizations that I felt the need to share with you.

1) You cannot expect others to create the life you want, you decide what you want, then create a plan of how you will get there. Never allow others to determine your destinations in life.

2) Dream, plan, and work! We all have dreams and aspirations in life, but it’s not enough to dream, you have to plan how the dream will be realized, then work the plan. It’s okay to update your plan as necessary.

3) Obstacles are inevitable and sometimes you may be the obstacle. Be okay with continuing on in spite of fears and insecurities.

4) Lastly but most importantly, God created you for greater, never forget you have purpose! He desires to help you as you walk through life but you have to allow him. Be open to God and his plan for your life! Seek God in all that you do!

I recognize it’s almost the end of the first month of the year, but after my week of reflection I must apologize for my inconsistency. And while I ask for your forgiveness, I’m also asking for you to hold me accountable. My goal is to post a blog every Wednesday moving forward. If you don’t hear from me, hit me, “Bridgette, it’s Wednesday.” We all have to have accountability partners. What have you learned about yourself in January of 2019? I want to hear from you! Share on my social media pages, Instagram and Facebook! Thank you for continuing to follow me! Be blessed! And Happy New Year!