Breaking Barriers

We All Have a Story to Share

I love to people watch. I can just sit and watch people for a great length of time. Sometimes as I watch I come up with stories, “they must be on their first date, look how attentive he is to her” or “she is such a great mom, look how she patiently explained xyz.” I love watching people because I understand and recognize, everyone has a story. What’s your story?

As I was driving to work the other day, I found myself watching as the people rode pass me, I wonder where they are going? Where do they work? Do they love their job? I love to sit and listen to people share their story, it’s always intriguing to me to learn how they got to this point. Whenever I become frustrated with people I go back to my thoughts on everyone has a story, why they do things the way they do them. And I recognize I must give grace because you never know what pieces of their story bought them to the place they are. This helps me to deal with people better, as well as keeping in mind, I must extend the same grace to others that God has given to me.

I wanted to take this time to tell you that your story matters. Someone needs to hear your story. Stories are meant to be shared, many times by you sharing your story it helps someone else. You don’t go through the trails you go through just for you to become stronger, but also to help build others to be stronger too. Don’t sleep on your story, somebody is waiting to hear it from you. And this doesn’t mean you have to tell your whole story with everyone, but in those moments where you recognize that this piece of information could be beneficial to someone else, do share! They need to hear it.

How to share your story? You can share it in pieces, you can write a book (if that’s your calling), you can start a blog :), you can start or be a guest on a podcast, you can become a speaker, or you can just share with the people around you. Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly, knowing that your voice and story is necessary. And the most important part, only do it when you’re lead to do it. God can guide you as to what to share and with whom to share. Trust him!


  • VarK

    I like this post. I was thinking about MY FAMILY and the story of the family. I wonder how the next generation will remember it or even consider the family story. It gave me the urge to write the story. People fail to realize is that if we don’t write it, no one who wants to know will know. That’s the writer in me talking right now. Lol. Not everyone needs to write but stories need to be heard.

    • Bridgette

      That’s a great point. If you don’t write your history someone will write it for you OR it will go untold. That’s powerful for all families to consider.

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