Breaking Barriers

Why am I Single?

I personally hate this question, like what kind of question is this? You begin to wonder, is this person trying to come for me? Are they being funny? Or are they trying to act like something is wrong with me? Lol. But then I recognize that when you pose this question to yourself you’re able to understand some things about yourself and what you could potentially work on within. So, why are you single or why are you where you currently are in life; your job, your relationship, etc. God has a purpose in each of these seasons.
I personally came face to face with this question this weekend. I realized for me it was about my purpose. In this season of singleness, God has set me apart for me to learn my purpose here on earth. I’m continually learning that all things truly do happen for a reason. Even in this blog, I believe I’m walking in God’s purpose for me on this earth. I think of Jeremiah, when God initially called him and told him his purpose he questioned his abilities. He felt he was too young and would not be able to do what God had called for him to do. The same was true for me, I questioned if this was something I was prepared for or even qualified for, but God continues to remind me that he will equip me along the way, he only requires for me to go. As a single lady, I am able to focus on what God has for me to fulfill my purpose. Now, does this mean that I will always be single, I pray not, but this is further equipping me for what is to come. So, I pose this question to you, why are you single? Or why are you where you are at this moment? Does God have something he wants from you to gain in this moment, at this job, in this relationship? I’m sure he does. So go on, move forward, and break those barriers to get to what he has for you!