Breaking Barriers

Activated Faith

This month my pastor has been doing a series on faith. The other day in Bible study he made a great point about faith and how we have to work our faith like we work our muscles at the gym. In order for our faith to increase we have to practice our faith daily and work to expand it.

Many times we want to play it safe, we do things that are “guaranteed” for ourselves; you know, you approach the guy or girl you know you can get or you apply for the job you know you are qualified, but will these things stretch us and our faith?

There comes a time when you have to be willing to risk what you are used to and stretch beyond to get to the more. God promises that with Him all things are possible, so why not believe and step out on faith?

We all come to a point in our lives when we make the decision to do more! Whether your desire is to start a new career or business, apply for “that” position, or purchase your first home; you can do it! It’s time to Activate Your Faith! What does it take to activate your faith? I’m so glad you asked:

    • Believe
    • Pray
    • Write the vision and the plan!
    • Then Pray more and Work the plan! Faith without works is dead.

So, what are you waiting for, activate!!! And be sure to journal the process. I can’t wait to hear of the great things that will come now that your faith has been activated. And believe me, this isn’t just for you, it’s totally for me too!  


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