Breaking Barriers

Find Your Freedom

Yesterday I got a chance to experience something new. I went out of town for work. When I finished my day, I decided to go for a walk on the beach. I’ve never been to the beach by myself. It was so relaxing. It’s something about the water that is so calming, the cares of the world no longer matter. There’s so much freedom in being close to the water with the crush of the waves. 

On my way out of town, I called one of my friends. We have this running joke, whenever I leave the office during the day, I call or text saying, I’m freeeeeeee. LOL. As I was driving home this evening, I couldn’t help but think of that statement, I’m Freeeeeeeeeee. The definition of freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. We are FREE. Through Christ, we are free. However, many although they have given their lives to Christ, aren’t free. Freedom is not just about the ability to go where you want to go, but also about being honest with yourself and others. How are you honoring who you are day-to-day? Are you doing things to make others happy, while abandoning your happiness?

As I rode home, I listened to a song by DOE, Clarity. If you haven’t heard this song, be sure to check it out, by the way, her entire album is bomb! The best part about my day was being able to enjoy something that I love, being close to the water, walking freely, and enjoying some ice cream. While we all have obligations in our day-to-day lives, it’s important to step away from those things and do what brings you freedom. It could be something as simple as having 5 minutes of quiet time writing in your journal, taking a walk, listening to your favorite song, or watching your favorite show. There’s freedom in doing what you love and being yourself. Find your freedom! You owe it to yourself to be unapologetically you. There are things that only can be done by you, and the world is waiting to meet the real you. Find your Freedom!


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