Breaking Barriers

When We Pray

There’s just so much going on in the world. Earlier this week, as I heard reports of the school shooting in Texas, I continued to ignore it. If I came across someone talking about it on my timeline, I’d scroll by quickly or if it came on tv, I would quickly change the station. It wasn’t that I was desensitized to it, but I was tired. And I’m sure many feel the same way. I did eventually listen to the full story and it made me sad (which was one reason why I ignored it initially).

A few weeks ago I had a desire to write a blog on prayer, and after this week, I understand some of why. It’s so easy to get caught up in our own lives that we forget the important things. Times like these remind us we must stay vigilant in our prayer life. And I get it sometimes, depending on what you’re praying for it seems to take forever, if at all. That reason in itself can be so defeating, but don’t stop. God hears our prayers!

During different seasons of my life, God will place certain songs on my heart, and many times they stick, to the point I’ll listen to them over and over again. Usually, there’s a message in it that stands out to me. For the last few weeks, I’ve been into DOE’s latest album. If you haven’t checked it out please do, she’s like the female version of Jonathan McReynolds. She’s bomb! Anywho, one of the songs that keep coming into my spirit is “When You Pray”. Love this song! The lyrics are so powerful. It’s a reminder that when we pray God hears and has time for us. She expressed that we may not know what to say or even what to do in certain situations but we can always go to God. Let this be your reminder, keep praying, God hears you. When we pray, something happens. It may not be what you think it should be, but there will be a response.

One additional thing I want to share, a few weeks ago, I was listening to Bishop Jakes and he shared a story. One year in the early years of Woman Thou Art Loosed, at the airport as they were leaving, his mom got stopped for having a handgun in her purse. When it came time for her to get it out of her purse, she was digging in the bottom of her purse for it and because her purse was so big and it was at the bottom, it took a while for her to get to. If something were to happen and his mom really need the gun, she wouldn’t have been able to get to it for her protection. The same is true for us with our spiritual weapons. He said, “you can’t activate what you can’t get to.” The gun is only as good as her ability to access it and the same is true for us with our spiritual weapons, it’s only as good as our ability to access it. We must have a continual relationship with God in prayer so that when things happen we can easily access our spiritual weapon of prayer.

In closing, I remind you to keep praying, God hears you. As you pray, ask for strategy in your situations and as always pray for God’s will to be done here on earth. We believe God to heal us and our land.

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