Breaking Barriers

Blessings on Blessings!

Sigh…deep breaths…there have been many sighs and deep breaths for me and I’m sure for you in the past few weeks. With this pandemic, it has brought out the sighs, cries, fears, and anxieties of many across the world. Watching the news reports, being “stuck” in the house, or for some, continuing to work as an essential work, in the midst of everything that is going on is difficult to manage. But here we are.

I know, I know, it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post, but truth be told, I struggled to get back to writing. On March 2nd, I got the news that my father passed away. This hurt me to the core, as a bonafide daddy’s girl. This news coming about a month after the passing of my aunt, I needed some time to regroup and rest. Sitting down to write at that time in my mind would require too much energy and I just didn’t have it! Although God gave me many revelations throughout this time, I didn’t sit down and write. Now that I have had time to rest, I’m challenging myself to write a blog today and get back into the flow of things.

Recently I’ve been reminded of the scripture, Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (KJV).” This is my call to action, focus on the positive and good reports. In the midst of the loss of loved ones, God continued to remind me of my many blessings and even now during the pandemic, he reminds me of how blessed I am. The same is true for you, while you can focus on all the negative things that are not going right, I challenge you to set your mind on things above and your blessings.

A couple weeks ago, I was a part of a course at work and during the course, the facilitator challenged us to practice gratitude daily. I’m challenging you to do the same. Make a list of what you are grateful for today, then tomorrow, and so forth. Take it a step further and even tell someone that you are grateful for them. This simple process alone helps you to change your focus from the negative to the positive and it makes you think of all the many blessings you have (and there are a lot). What are you grateful for today? Who are you grateful for? How has God blessed you? For me: I have a place to live, I have food to eat, I have transportation, I have family and friends that love and support me, I’m healthy, I’m employed and still working. My list can go on and on. Mine may be a little different than yours, but I know you have many things to be thankful; begin to think about those things and thank God for all of his blessings! #blessingsonblessings #practicegratitude #changeyourperspective


  • Makeda Pride

    Love this! Thank you Bridgette for reminding us to rest in times of trouble and constantly think on the blessings we still have.

  • Satiqua

    I’m grateful for another chance to it right. Grateful for life, health, family, and friends. I’m grateful for a savior! #PraiseHim

  • Lynda Milner

    This is so assuring because we are more often than not on the same page with scripture. As I
    Journaled today I wrote that same scripture in my own words ! I was fervently writing and did not want to lose my train of thought and did not look in my bible for the exact words.
    My attitude of gratitude for all that I
    am grateful for is too extensive to list, but be certain that you are on the list.
    I am so happy that you are back doing what God has purposed you to do!!
    You and your family (especially your mom )have been in prayers and will continue to be!
    God Bless you and I love you! ❤️❤️❤️

  • Teresa Brown

    Thanks Bridge., I am grateful for you. Continue to allow God to use you to be a blessing. Blessings!!!

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