Breaking Barriers

Breaking Barriers

What does it really mean to break barriers? Barriers are anything that are holding you back from being who God has called you to be. It can be fear, your past, insecurities, etc. For me, it was fear. I’m sure that is true for so many others. Fear of failure or fear that I would be great and perhaps I didn’t deserve it. The enemy will play all kinds of mind games with you and have you to believe that what he is saying is the truth. But how do we get past the lies? Well, one thing is to recognize it as a lie and throw it in the delete bin. The next thing is feeding yourself with truth. I personally go to the word, it works best for me. I also enjoy listening to uplifting music and surround myself with positive people. Someone advised me the other day to write a list of scriptures on fear, which is a great idea (I need get to that now, LOL). One of the scriptures that sticks out to me the most is Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (NIV).”

Breaking barriers is a continuous action. This is not something you do one time and then you are done, it’s a continuous journey. I am continuing to break barriers in my life, whether its barriers in my mind and thoughts or overcoming situations in life. This is why God said he will be with you wherever you go. God will keep you.

I invite you to join me as we break all barriers in our lives. God has great things in store for you and me on the other side.