Breaking Barriers

Connection Check

I was listening to my pastor preach on Sunday and he mentioned how we are to build each other up. In that moment. I began to think of my current circles. I’m truly grateful for my friends and family, they are encouraging and often push me to stretch myself. Later that evening, as I participated in a book club, I thought of connections again. We are currently reading the devotional book, “A Woman Who Doesn’t Quit.” A part of not quitting is having people in your life that are cheering you on and also pushing you to the next level. It doesn’t take an army of people, however, one person can help you with encouragement, perspective, and even a hard push. I often times have given friends deadlines to push them to get something done, and they’ve also done the same for me.

So, this post is a connection check. Are you connected to people that are encouraging and building you up? How are you helping to build your friends up? When they share an idea with you, are you the “naysayer”? Do you follow up with friends on their ideas or goals to learn of their progress? As we live our lives your connection should matter to others, even people that aren’t friends. As a coworker or an acquaintance, you should still have some effect on others to help build them up. Even if it’s as simple as a kind word, compliment, or smile, help brighten someone’s day. These things build people up and help them to feel better about themselves and their ability to do what they are called to do.

There are so many negative things that go on in this world as well as negative people; never allow those things or people to keep you from being that positive light. Brighten the world with your ability to build people up and help them to be the best version of themselves. The world needs more people like you! #connectioncheck #buildeachotherup

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