Breaking Barriers

Elevation Requires Removal

As we continue to live and grow to be a better individual, there are many things that we will learn along the way. One thing I realized recently, or perhaps was reminded of was the responsibilities of more. As we grow and elevate to new roles, responsibilities, and purpose, there are things we have to sacrifice.

When we were kids there were things we could do and it was acceptable; as a baby you could whine and cry when we were hungry, however, doing those same things as adults is just not acceptable. As we grow, we come to understand more. More requires us to let go of the things from our youth or the things from last season. But as we walk into a new season, we must shed the things that do not promote growth. During your elevation, things such as fear, pettiness, anger, worry, unforgiveness, and so on, must be removed. These things will only hold us back.

As you grow and elevate, what are the things you need to remove? Many times there is a hold up on our elevation to the next level because we have chosen to hold on to things that need to be removed. Now is the time to remove those things!

The removal of these things will not be easy, however, if you give it to God and ask him for his help in removing those things he will provide you with the strength and help you need. As we celebrate Resurrection Day, begin to make your requests known to God, so that he can help you remove those things and give you a fresh start. Happy Resurrection Day!


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