Breaking Barriers


Are you ever nervous that your secret will be exposed? We all have secrets, or things that we rather others not to know. If we are honest we have thoughts of insecurities. The enemy gets in our thoughts and has us to question, am I really as strong as people think? Am I really courageous? Can I really have my dreams? We don’t want others to know about our insecure thoughts. While some of those insecure thoughts come, for some they are able to stop those thoughts by speaking the word or saying positive affirmations. For others those thoughts continue. I’ve been there, the thoughts come and keep coming. I don’t feed myself with the word or positive affirmations, so they keep coming. You go from feeling like you are on top of the world and anything is possible to feeling like a complete failure. You begin to think of all the things that you’ve messed up on in life and failed at in life. How you didn’t get the job that you wanted on your first try, how you didn’t meet the deadline you were trying to meet, or that failed business you tried and didn’t succeed at. 

The enemy wants you to stay there, stay in that place of insecurity, but God. God will send a word to us at the perfect time. Whether driving in the car, listening to the radio and someone shares an encouraging word, or going to church and hearing the word preached and you think, OMG, how did they know, or even that friend that randomly calls to encourage you. We’ve all played a part, but how long will you play the role and not be genuine in the role. At some point we have to admit our faults, then move forward. 

Don’t get stuck. I’ve been stuck for some time, but God is now calling me out. He wants more from me and you!!! It’s time to live your best life. Yes, there will be difficult times, but you must press on. Stay in the word, the word will keep you. Recognize that your connections can build you up or bring you down. Examine your circle and who are you listening to, God wants more from you! 


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