Breaking Barriers

Family is Everything!

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending my family reunion. Anyone that knows me knows I love family and friends too, but it’s something about family. It seems each year our reunion gets better and better; this year was no different. We had an amazing time filled with love, laughs, explorations, and great pride of our heritage. One of my cousins was able to trace our family’s lineage further than we have previously known and he reminded us of our great legacy. We also shared stories about the great sacrifices of our forefathers. When I think of what was done for me prior to my existence, I’m forever grateful.

My heritage perhaps maybe different from yours, but know that there were many that sacrificed for you. Many of our ancestors were willing to die for a number of things that we are able to experience now, our rights (voting, etc.), land, businesses, and the best gift, salvation! Even if you are not aware of your biological family’s history or it isn’t so glamorous (nobody’s was all glamorous), you still have the lineage of Christ. He sacrificed so that you could live a life of freedom and receive the gift of salvation. Never forget someone fought and died so that you may live. Family is everything, and that includes the family of believers!


  • Var Kelly

    I was blessed by this year’s reunion too. And more appreciative of the fact that after leaving the reunion I’m empowered to do more to ensure I maintain the family legacy and build upon the great foundation of my ancestors. #BBB

    • Bridgette

      Indeed! We have to ensure we stay ignited in our day to day journey to make sure the legacy continues!!! #BBB

  • Stephanie Brown

    Fabulous, Bridgette Bess!! Beautiful sentiments, I am so proud of you, My dear cousin! Keep up the good work, I love you!

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