Breaking Barriers

God is Greater!

Recently, I had the honor to go see the movie, Emanuel. Initially, it seemed like a good idea, but on my way to the theater, I wondered how good the idea was as I wasn’t sure if I was mentally prepared. My friend and I said a quick prayer prior to the movie, as we didn’t want any negative residue from the movie. I did have residue, but it was more positive than negative. The movie brought anger, tears, and confusion, but mostly it reminded me that God is greater.

The theme of the story of Emanuel is forgiveness. I was amazed at how the family members of those that were killed spoke so freely when it was time to face the person that was invited into the church for prayer service and later chose to take the lives of so many. How can you forgive someone for something so horrendous? The family members of those that were killed each shared their disbelief. The Holy Spirit literally took over in that moment in the courtroom and brought the words, “I forgive you.” It was then that I realized, God is greater!

It could only be God to allow the word forgive to come out of the mouths of so many to someone that had taken the life of a love one. It could only be God that brought the community together the way that it did. It could only be God to allow 4 years later for the stories of the Emanuel 9 and survivors to be depicted in a movie for the world to see. And it was only God that allowed the president of the United States during that time to come and give the eulogy at the funeral service, ending with him singing, “Amazing Grace.”

The act that was committed was horrible and was acted out of hate, but love still won! One of the sons of a victim shared a verse in the movie, “if thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small (Proverbs‬ ‭24‬:‭10‬ KJV).” How strong are you?

God is greater than any situation, burden, or unforgiveness. Allow him to come into your life and change it for the better. I recognized even more that I can’t focus on what is going on around me, but I must focus on God and allow him to be my greater! #GodisGreater

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