Breaking Barriers

How much do you trust???

This morning as I was leaving out I had to put the address for where I was going in my gps. I don’t know about you but whenever I use my gps I like to see where it’s leading me before I start driving. Have you ever been following the gps and felt it could have taken you another way, an easier way? Yep, I’ve been there! Because of my history with the Gps, I prefer to know the route that it will take me prior to starting. So this morning, I put the address in my gps and decide to just follow the directions of my Gps. I made it to my destination in about 20 minutes with no traffic issues, which was great! 
Many times as we go through life, God requires us to trust him all the way. We can’t know all the details prior to starting the journey, we just have to trust him and go. It’s going to be hard. I know it’s a struggle for me, but every time I feel my trust wavering I go back to the word and find a scripture on trust. God’s history shows me that he knows what he is doing and he will be there with me every step of the way, so I must just trust in him and his process. Every process will not be easy, but in the end it will be what’s best for me. My goal for this year is to trust God with everything. It’s already a struggle, but I’m continuing to push. Even when I mess up, I get back on track and keep moving forward.