Breaking Barriers

No More fear

I’m always thinking of new subjects to discuss in my blogs; about a week ago I said I wanted to do a blog on fear. I have been struggling with fear, being fearful about different things I’m facing in my life, so I decided to write about it in my next blog. This blog, of course, is not just about me encouraging others, but also myself. I have procrastinated with writing this particular blog post at least a couple weeks. Prior to that, I attended a retreat and there I was reminded of the word courageous. I decided this would be the word for the month. You know how you hear things and in that moment it is so powerful and profound, but outside of “that” moment, it is not as powerful as it was when you heard it initially because you get caught up in your day to day life.

The other day I was driving into work and I was reminded, no more fear. I was listening to Get up with Erica, and she talked about knowing your enemy. She made the point that we must understand the role of the enemy. We must understand that the enemy exists and he is operating in his role. The word of God tells us that he will kill, steal, and destroy. His role is to kill, steal, and destroy. The one thing we always forget is that he has no power. I had to recognize that my fears were drawn by tricks of the enemy. You know how in your mind you’re like, “I’m going to do this”; you decide to move forward with that new business or give your life to Christ, but then you second guess yourself and think to yourself, “I don’t know if I should do this,” “people don’t really care what I have to say”, “what if I fail?” If these things are beginning to come in your head and you already know God gave you the vision, why would God give you this and not desire for you to move forward with it or think that it will not be a success? God wants to see if you have the faith to act on what he told you to do. We know that the enemy is a trickster; he is going to lie, so don’t believe him. In the advice given by Erica, you go to the word. There is nowhere in the bible that says, you are not a conqueror or you are not victorious. Knowing the truth will allow you to walk into the things that God has called for you to do, but you can only do it with faith. God has placed ideas in your heart, he is waiting for you to walk in it. Many times fear gets in the way because we question ourselves and our abilities, but NO MORE. NO MORE can we allow fear to get in the way from us getting to our destination. So, what will you have the courage to do today that will bring you closer to where God wants you to be? NO MORE will we allow fear to take over!


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