Breaking Barriers

Stay In Your Lane

I have about a 35 – 45 minute commute to and from work each day. In an effort to make good use of my time (and to not focus on the fact that I’m in traffic when it happens), I started listening to podcasts. One of my favorite podcast is Women Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts. I absolutely love her; she is so authentic and relevant. On the show, she joking speaks of a ministry called Mind Your Business Ministries. In this ministry, we focus only on our own business and not anyone else’s. It’s so easy to get caught up in other things and not focus on your own things. You know how it can be, your minding your own business then you look on social media and see such and such got married, then questions come to mind, “I wonder how they met”, “I didn’t know they were together.” Or such and such post about great success with their new business, and you begin thinking “I wonder what they did? Maybe I should try it”. There are times when we have to take a step back and ask ourselves is this my business?

Often times riding along in the car I get so frustrated when someone swerves into my lane just to go slow; “really, really though? This is what you are going to do? Sigh!” In our lives, as we focus or direct our focus on what others are doing in their lane, we slow down our own progress. Each lane has its own speed and time limit, focus, and predestined guidelines; no, you can’t do everything “so and so” does in their lane. Your lane is specific to you, your personality, capabilities, and the purpose God created you for.

We all have to learn to just stay in our own lane and not focus on others. Each of us has our own purpose on earth and we must focus on understanding our purpose and walking in that purpose. There is so much on the inside of you and God is waiting for you to unleash all of it in the world. As you work to unleash all you have inside of you, remember to keep your eyes in your own lane! #Stayinyourlane #mindyourbusiness


    • Bridgette

      It’s easier to deal with other people’s business and worry about what they aren’t doing right than to focus on your own. Smh! Thanks for reading!

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