Breaking Barriers

Still Grateful

Thanksgiving is not just for one season, but in all seasons. We must give thanksgiving everyday. The week leading up to Thanksgiving I did my own Thanksgiving challenge, each day I shared something I was grateful for. I thought it would be good share on on my blog just in case you missed it online or you’re not into social media (that is a thing you know, lol). Here are my 8 Moments of Thanksgiving.

Moment of Thanksgiving 1 – I’m grateful for God. My relationship with God has kept me through all my trials and also helped me to learn more about life in general. I’m grateful for relationship with him and all the many blessings he has given and continues to give me in spite of my faults.

Moment of Thanksgiving 2 – I’m grateful for my family and friends. There are so many things I could share about how my family/ friends are a blessing to me. In life, we need people that will push us to be our best, support us, whether financially or just sharing a kind and encouraging word, people that will make us laugh when we need to be uplifted, and direct us back to God when we get off track or just need a good boost. I’m so blessed to have so many great people in my life that do each of these for me day in and day out. My parents, my cousins, my amazing aunts and uncles, and friends, they keep me going, striving, grounded, and remind me to be myself unapologetically. They love me unconditionally and for that I’m grateful!

Moment of Thanksgiving 3: I’m grateful for starting and being consistent with my blog. If you’ve ever walked in purpose, you know and understand the fulfillment that comes with it. I’m grateful that I was fearless enough to start the blog and even more grateful that I continue to walk in it. There have been many days when I’ve wanted to give up, but I continue to push inspire of how I feel, Greater things are on the way, stay tuned! Are you walking in purpose? If so, how?

Moment of Thanksgiving 4: I’m grateful for my Mary Kay business. When I initially started my business I wanted a plan b and to make a little extra money. Since then, it has evolved over time. I’ve connected with some amazing people and I know I’ve grown personally and professionally, which is a great reason for thanksgiving. Mary Kay is just another avenue that allows me to walk in my purpose. Are you walking in purpose? If so, how? If not, when will you dig deep enough to figure out what it is? Shameless plug, check out my website here if you ever need a little Mary Kay in your life, I offer skin care options for men and women, color cosmetics and so much more. Contact me if you have any questions.

Moment of Thanksgiving 5: I’m grateful my journey and experiences. I know I’ve mentioned how much I’ve grown as an individual, but I wanted to take some time to just focus on my journey to this place. I’m grateful for every hurtle, valley, and mountain. I’ve learned so much about myself and people in general. Some simple lessons I’ve learned through the years, there is nothing wrong with loving yourself, so do it unapologetically, people will come to respect you more for it. I’ve learned to meet people where they are and when they show you who they are, believe them. I’ve learned to create what I want to do or the atmosphere I want to be in. I could go on and on but I’ll stop here. Thank you Lord for this journey and for getting me to this place. I know I have so much more growth to go, can’t wait to continue on my journey.

Moment of Thanksgiving 6: I’m grateful for the many blessings and favor God has given to me. Many times we get caught up on the things that we don’t have that we forget about the many things we do have such as life, health, strength, shelter, food, being in your right mind, just to name a few. We take so much for granted. Whenever you’re feeling down, just make a list of all the many blessings God has given you and it will make all the difference, at least it has for me.

Moment of Thanksgiving 7: I’m grateful for my gifts from God. We all have gifts that God has placed on the inside of us. For me, my gifts include exhortation, words of wisdom, teaching, and ideas, and so much more. While your gifts might not be the same as mine you have gifts of your own. How are you using your gifts to bless others? Whether in your job role, business, or as a hobby, someone needs your gifts. I’m grateful for using my gift (through my blog and in other ways) to help stir up your gift.

Moment of Thanksgiving 8: As I bring my challenge to a close, I’m sharing one other thing I’m grateful for. I’m grateful for my faith. “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1 NIV). My faith gives me hope in what is to come. When things don’t seem to be working out, my faith is what keeps me going.

In this holiday season, be sure to think of what you’re grateful for and give thanks to those that are a blessing to you, including Jesus, who was born and gave his life just for you. What are you grateful for?

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