Breaking Barriers


Yesterday was a good day. I went to see the movie, Breakthrough, great movie I recommend. Then I came home and watched Being Mary Jane, which I enjoyed as well. In watching both the show and movie, there was a point in which the characters of both realized the importance of just letting go of control.

In a past blog post, I talked about understanding what God has for you, is for you and not trying to control or manipulate things to benefit yourself. Well, this blog is similar, knowing when to let go and surrender to God can be tough, but necessary. All to often we try to hold on to things and handle things the way we feel they should be handled, however, there are many things you shouldn’t handle. We try to handle people by telling them off or giving them a piece of our minds; we handle situations that are ultimately out of our control and we try to “make” things happen. As a Christian, you have options, not all things require you to get stressed about or be handled; give it up! Let God handle the haters, the people at your job that mean you no good, the so called friends that turned their back on you. Surrender it all to God and let him handle it. He will take care of things for you and give you peace in the process. All God wants is for you to let go, surrender and trust Him. He’s waiting for the invitation from you.

As I was driving home from work today, I started thinking about the fact that I needed to finish my blog post for today, I had an idea but I wasn’t sure which direction to go. Then the song, “Withholding Nothing” by William McDowell came on the radio and I knew it was a sign from God. The lyrics to the song say, “I surrender all to you, everything I give to you, withholding nothing.” I was reminded, there were some things I needed to surrender to God. I had said I let them go, but I was still carrying the weight. I believe the same maybe true for you, there are some things you are trying to hold on to, but you need to surrender to God.

The word surrender means to submit to their authority or to give up. Think about it, what do you need to submit to God or give up? Don’t let another day go by without giving “it” up or relinquishing your authority to God. #surrender

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