• Breaking Barriers

    Find Your Freedom

    Yesterday I got a chance to experience something new. I went out of town for work. When I finished my day, I decided to go for a walk on the beach. I’ve never been to the beach by myself. It was so relaxing. It’s something about the water that is so calming, the cares of the world no longer matter. There’s so much freedom in being close to the water with the crush of the waves.  On my way out of town, I called one of my friends. We have this running joke, whenever I leave the office during the day, I call or text saying, I’m freeeeeeee. LOL. As…

  • Breaking Barriers


    It’s amazing how one day can be an absolute amazing day spiritually, you spend time with God, He speaks, and you hear him; then another day comes and you struggle, no motivation and you’re not feeling as good as you were the day before. In these moments, we have to seek the face of God, stay in tuned to him. When I connect with him, it makes for a more powerful day. Some days I’m able to wake right up, get my devotion in, then there are other days, I struggle to get up and get into my devotion. We can’t live a life of coincidence, we have to be…