• Breaking Barriers

    Find Your Freedom

    Yesterday I got a chance to experience something new. I went out of town for work. When I finished my day, I decided to go for a walk on the beach. I’ve never been to the beach by myself. It was so relaxing. It’s something about the water that is so calming, the cares of the world no longer matter. There’s so much freedom in being close to the water with the crush of the waves.  On my way out of town, I called one of my friends. We have this running joke, whenever I leave the office during the day, I call or text saying, I’m freeeeeeee. LOL. As…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Dream Again

    I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about the impact of Dr. King and what he’s done for us as a country and even the world. His dream for us to be treated equally pushed us all and reminded us that what we do does matter. I began to think to myself, how am I making an impact. While everyone can’t be a Dr. King, Rosa Parks, or Oprah, we can all do something. We have to recognize that while some are made to do grand things, it is the small things we do that matters most. The small eventually add to the big, but…

  • Breaking Barriers


    As we quickly approach 2020, I felt the need for me to share something with you that has been on my mind and I know we can’t take it into 2020, negative thoughts. We all have them from time to time, maybe some more than others, but the thoughts come. Negative thoughts come to most people; and you can’t always control them coming, however, you can control them staying. As we go into this new year we have to hit Ctrl+Atl+DEL when those negative thoughts come. We can’t allow them into our mind we must immediately trash them. Of course I had to look up this function to make sure…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Move Forward Freely

    Last night as I was trying to go to sleep, I had this vision of someone trying to move forward, they were moving but going no where fast. I realized they were not going anywhere because there was something pulling them from behind. Instantly I thought, what’s holding me back? I’ve recognized at times I can hold on to things, whether it’s a grudge or just someone doing something bad to me, I hold on to it. Recently, I experienced someone lying to me and I’ve had thoughts of confronting the person to let them know that knew that they flat out lied, but then I thought, what good would…