• Breaking Barriers

    Mind Your Business

    I am a faithful member of Minding Your Business Ministries. If you’ve ever heard of Sarah Jakes Roberts and the Woman Evolve podcast, you know all about minding your business, moisturizing your edges, and drinking your water. For those that are not familiar, I’ll give you the Bridgette definition, minding your business means staying in your lane and doing what God called you to do. It also means staying out of other folks business but that’s another story.  I was a part of the dance ministry at my church and I remember dancing to a song (can’t remember the name of it right now) about laying your burdens at the…

  • Breaking Barriers

    Stay In Your Lane

    I have about a 35 – 45 minute commute to and from work each day. In an effort to make good use of my time (and to not focus on the fact that I’m in traffic when it happens), I started listening to podcasts. One of my favorite podcast is Women Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts. I absolutely love her; she is so authentic and relevant. On the show, she joking speaks of a ministry called Mind Your Business Ministries. In this ministry, we focus only on our own business and not anyone else’s. It’s so easy to get caught up in other things and not focus on your own…