Breaking Barriers

The Dash

I attended my first funeral post-Covid (and my dad’s funeral) and I made it through! As I was sitting there listening to the eulogy, I began to think of the dash. You know the dash between the day you were born and the date you will pass away. What are you doing with your dash? 

I know we don’t necessarily like to think of our death, but that day is inevitable. When the day comes, what will be said about you? Will people speak of your kind works? How you helped others? Will they say you were intentional about sharing the love of God? Better yet, what will God say, will he say you did exactly what was asked of you? 

Many times we get caught up in just living day today, but we are not just here to be here. God placed each of us on this earth for a specific reason, what’s yours? If you don’t know, have you asked your creator? 

I’ve been reading the book, Woman Evolve by Sarah Jakes Roberts. Love this book (I highly recommend it)! The book is about moving beyond your fears to do what God has called you to do. The book reminded me that what I do or don’t do has an impact on others and generations to come. I cannot allow the seed God planted in me to go to waste, so I must get to work. What does that mean? I must be intentional about each day. Pray for God to order my steps and direct me. Ask him also for courage and peace to keep moving forward. Then I have to act on the things he has called for me to do. Cast the vision by writing it down and following the steps outlined by him. Sometimes God is just waiting for you to move in an act of faith before he begins to give step-by-step directions. We have to do our part. 

I plan to be intentional each day about ensuring my dash is worth it and that I am doing what God has called for me to do. I’m reminded of a sermon by Sarah Jakes Roberts called The Undoing (look it up on YouTube, it will bless your life). In the sermon, she shared we have to know how to pivot and move when God tells us to move, even if he changes things up for us. Apart from being intentional about our dash, we must seek God so that he can order and direct our steps. Ask the simple question, God, what will you have me to do on this day? Then wait for a response. Keep in mind that God speaks in many different ways, so be sure to be open to hearing from him. 

So I leave you with this question, what are you doing with your dash? Remember, you have purpose and you have the great navigator directing you, don’t turn down the volume. You want to hear every direction clearly. 

Reference Scripture: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV