Breaking Barriers

The Not So New Normal

Covid-19 this. Covid-19 that. Now Covid-19 everywhere. We cannot seem to get rid of this disease. It has touched us all in some form or fashion. Something that presumably started in China has now been a part of our lives for close to 6-months. To make matters worse, Covid-19 won’t be going away any time soon.

Many of us have become acclimated to many precautions. Most of these precautions are being presented primarily throughgovernment officials. The Center for Disease Control (CDC)continues to promote handwashing, the usage of hand sanitizer, and social distancing. Stores, restaurants, and churches have implemented actions to promote the safety of everyone,including wearing a face mask.

Some of us could be thinking, “Is this the new normal?” Think about it: All the precautions and necessary steps needed to protect our life and the life of others are a requirement. Some individuals are sick and tired of the face mask. Others have washed their hands and dipped them in hand sanitizer so much until their skin is dry. Others are even fearful to the point of anxiety even to step out the door. Is this the new normal? The unapologetic response is: Yes, this is the new normal.

The new normal has even reached our local churches. How we evangelize, connect to others, and even worship The Lord has all changed. Virtual Bible Studies, prayer conference calls, and Virtual Sunday Morning worship services are just a few things many churches had to adjust to continue to be the church. It has left some faithful Christians a little weary, for they love to be the church and attend the church. Other new converts desire to be in the fellowship of a church especially during this time in this world

Despite these feelings, there is one truth that all Christians – you and me – must remember.

The Scripture says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8, KJV). Jesus Christ is still The Savior. He gave His life so that those who believe in Him can have eternal life (John 3:16). Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). One day every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Romans 14:11). While the world and things around us are changing, Jesus Christ has NOT changed. There is NO new normal when it comes to Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We are to believe in Him and obey Him as we did before the pandemic.

As we face our new norm, be reminded that Jesus Christ is still here to save. We must not stop our evangelism. The world still needs The Savior. We must continue to live a lifestyle of worship. How we conduct ourselves during virtual meetings for work, how we conduct ourselves while in the supermarket, the conversations we keep with others – all of these and countless other things must be done in The Spirit of Christ. We know that Jesus Christ is soon to return, and His purpose to save all sinnershas NOT changed, for He has NOT changed. So we live in the new normal, but we know that Christ has NOT changed. He is still The Savior. We accept Him and believe in Him. Then, we continue to evangelize and win souls to Him. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Written by: Var Kelly (