Breaking Barriers

We’ve Got to Pray Just to Make it Today

As I was driving into work the other day, listening to Get up Mornings with Erica. My mind began to drift off and I wasn't paying attention to the radio, but then I heard her scripture for her Ericaism, Mark 11:24. I had been thinking about the things in the news, what occurred this past weekend in Charlottesville, and the state of our country. It's hard to hear about these things and feel like you can't do anything. While I'm sure there are many things that you might think of us doing, teach your children right from wrong, stand up against wrong when you see or hear it, call out racism as it occurs, or start a program teaching children how to deal with these high emotional situations. All these things are great, but the two main things we must do is #1-LOVE and #2-PRAY. The scripture reminded me that I needed to pray more AND believe it. Remember that love is an action word. How can you be more loving in your day to day life?

As I end this blog post, I feel there is a need for us to pray together:

Dear Heavenly Father,

We are so thankful and grateful for you in our lives. We thank you for your guidance, your love, your wisdom, and your word, which you have given to us as a guide. I ask you to bless each person that will read this prayer or come across this blog. I pray that you meet every need and help them to walk in your purpose for their life. We ask you to bless this entire country. Help us to be more loving, patient, kind, and understanding. We ask you to show us how to be more loving to others and to be the light in this dark world. We pray for the leadership of this country and his wisdom in his position. Help us to remember to stay close to you and depend on you in all things, even when we don't understand what's going on. Thank you for who you are in our lives and for the great change that will come in this country and this world. We thank you for showing us the way, so that we can be an example. Touch the hearts of those dealing with anger, hatred, and fear, we know that those things are not of you and we ask that you remove it from them and replace with your love. We thank you and bless you.

In the name of your son Jesus, Amen!


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