Breaking Barriers

What’s for you is for you!

It’s amazing how we as people feel we are in control of everything. We say and do things in hopes that we can manipulate situations. Have you ever experienced or witnessed someone lying on you or someone else in hopes it would position them better for a job, a business, a boo, or friend? How is it that we think we have that much control?

I was talking to a friend recently and she shared how someone lied on her in hopes for a new position. But why? Why do you believe this is what you should do and why do you think this will not come back to you? You reap what you sow.

I’m sure you’ve heard people say, “what God has for you is for you.” As I was writing this post I heard someone singing the song by Michelle Williams, “Say Yes”, the lyrics say, “when Jesus says yes, nobody can say no.” This post is just a reminder, what is for you is for you, whatever God says is yours no matter what others may say or do, it will be yours.

I wanted to encourage you today, your time to shine is coming, don’t give up! Just keep doing what is right and doing your best, and leave the rest to God! He’s got your back. Remember my last post on faith, you have already activated it! #faith

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