Breaking Barriers

What’s your Perspective?

A couple months ago I went to a singles event on loneliness. I know how this sounds, this can be good a bunch of lonely people talking about being sad and single. While this may be the thought for some, for me it was different. I’ve dealt with the feeling of loneliness. Have you? Being lonely does not mean that you have no one around you, because you can be surrounded by thousands of people and still feel lonely. While at the event we were asked to do an activity, we had to share if we had a book for our life what genre would it be and what would be the title. Interesting question, right? It definitely made me think. I ended up coming up with the genre of comedy and the title, “Smile through it all”. Anybody that knows me, knows that I love to laugh, and some would say I smile a lot (depends on who you talk to, lol). I always try to find the good side in everything. How about you? How positive are you when adversity comes? Whether you’ve experienced loneliness or not, you’ve experienced adversity. It is not what you experience but how you handle those experiences. All things happen for a reason, so make the most of each experience, good or bad!


  • Crystal W

    Hmm. What would my life book’s title and genre be? I certainly like yours and I am positive that we will have several different titles and chapters as we continue to grow. Maybe mine would be “Seasons”…just for right now. 🙂 Who knows what my next title will be? Thanks, BB. Your blog is awesome.