Breaking Barriers

Be Ready!

So last weekend was a holiday weekend and at my job most of the time we get to leave a little early before a holiday. Well, Friday came and we were anxiously awaiting the call that we could leave early. Time seemed to go fast and as time went on, my coworkers and I began to realize perhaps we weren’t leaving early that day. Lol. So I’m working on this, working on that, working pretty good when my director comes in the office and says y’all can leave early, like right now. Me: oh wait, I’m not ready. My coworkers: (walk pass me with their purses saying, “have a great weekend!” Lol. And just like that I was there in the office by myself lol.

I was talking to my cousin, telling her about my day and how fast my coworkers got out of there and in that moment I thought, I wasn’t ready. I said I wanted to leave early but when the time came to leave, I wasn’t prepared to leave. Why am I sharing this with you? You have been asking God to work different miracles in different areas of your life, but the question is, if he were to bless you with your miracle today will you be ready? Are you ready for the new house? The new car? The husband? The wife? The new job and/or business? For Jesus to return? Often times we say we want things but the reality is we don’t do what it takes to get to that point.

Transparent moment: I’ve been believing God for a husband for several years now. At this point, I’m looking at God sideways, because I’ve been waiting so long. But I would say within the last year, I’ve been real with myself. “You say you want a husband but what have you done in preparation or to meet him?” How open are you to meeting new people? How open are you to compromise? Those hard questions has made me reevaluate my outlook on “waiting” it’s not just about reading books and praying, it’s going to take more than just that.

I’m saying the same to you, in your season of preparation there are some things you will have to do to get ready for what you “say” you want. The question is, are you willing to do the work?

If you are, then in the words of Bishop Jakes, “get ready, get ready, get ready.” God is a loving God and he wants the best for you, but only when the time is right. Take this time to make preparation for your miracle. Research, invest in resources, get in therapy (yes, I went there too, we all have work to do, why not find someone that is skilled to help you with the work, ijs) save, make a plan, set some goals and work towards them, pray, accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and seek good counsel. Whatever it will take for you to be “ready” do that! Then take the steps you need to take to make it happen and watch how Gd blesses your efforts. We have to give him something to bless. Whatever you do, Be Ready!!!


  • Makeda Pride

    I LOVE this!! Worth the work has been a common thread for me the past few days. Am I worth the work, as in my dreams, vision, legacy and quite frankly if it is what work can I match with the Worth God has stored up for me. Thank you for sharing this and continuing to allow the transparency of where you are on your journey transform lives.

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