Breaking Barriers


I started my blog about a year ago obeying the call from God to share my story, my story includes my experiences, life lessons, as well as revelations along the way. The purpose of Bridgette Breaking Barriers is to encourage others to break barriers in their own lives, while I am transparent in the uncomfortable moments of my life. The process of starting the blog was a big leap of faith for me, as I’m a very private person, me moving forward is a testament to my evolution as a woman. To think of where I was to where I am now, I’m truly grateful, but I’m even more excited for what is to come. I realize the process of releasing what God has on the inside of me requires faith, persistence, and a constant fight of fear. I’m sure the same is true for you.

BBB continues to push me to be more and do more, I pray it has the same effect on you. God has called me as he has each of us to illuminate the gifts that he has placed on the inside of us. My gift is in the seed form, I constantly water it by reading the word of God, praying, listening to the word taught by others, and praise/worship. I am so grateful for my story of evolution and my strive to continue to evolve. As I continue to water the seed within me, I know more fruit will come, as my roots are taking root, the release is coming! How have you evolved in the last year?

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